Quality Standards
Length & Width Tolerance
Cut Size: +/- 1.6 mm (1/16")
Stock Sheets: +/- 6.4 mm (1/4")
Includes Flares and Bevels
Allowable Blemishes
Mirror Glazing Quality (similar to Quality 3) for cut size
*Central area is considered center 80% of length and 80% of width centered on the lite. The rest is considered the outer area.
Point Blemish *
Blemish size: Central & outer area <0.3mm allowed
Blemish size: Central area ≥0.3mm < 0.5mm allowable w/ minimum separation between blemishes of 12"
Blemish size: Outer area ≥0.3mm < 0.8mm w/ minimum separation between blemishes of 12"
Blemish size: ≥0.8mm < 1.2mm w/ minimum separation between blemishes of 60"
Linear Blemish
Blemish intensity & size: Faint allowed
Blemish intensity & size: Light ≤75mm (3") > 75mm allowable w/ minimum separation of 24"
Chip or Shell
Chip depth ≤ 25% of glass thickness
Chip width ≤ 25% of mirror thickness or 1.6mm (1/16"), whichever is greater
Chip length ≤ 2x the chip width
**v-chips not allowed in any circumstances
Detection Distance:
over 60" - HEAVY
24" - MEDIUM
8" - LIGHT
<8" - FAINT